Notes from TALKS with the client on 7th October


Proposals for the new location of probation service met strong public resistance The plan was for the county’s probation services to be centralised at the new Oxford centre, with probation offices in Abingdon, Cowley and Banbury set to close. 

Time line: March 2009: Probation service announces it wants to build a new probation centre in Mill Street at Trajan House. Residents collect a 1,000-name petition against it April: Residents promise a legal battle and plan a public meeting April: Residents lobby Justice Minister Jack Straw June: Twelve alternative sites are revealed. Mill Street plan is put on hold July: Proposal referred to the National Audit Office September: The owners of Trajan House say they won’t sell to Probation Service December: Probation bosses say they have identified a city centre site February 2010: Probation service reveals the location of their new office as being St Aldate’s.
The whole article at 
- CRIME and PUBLIC perception of the crime facts 

the number of recorded crimes in the last few years decreased
the number of solved cases increased
The 2009/10 BCS shows that there continues to be a reduction in the proportion of people
who think crime in their local area had increased locally (from 36% in 2008/09 to 31% in 2009/10). 66% of peole think think that crime nationally has increased
more on

public perception of the centre is negative?

There is almost no positive news in general media about community payback projects exc..(general problem about media..disasters are more attractive?..

 Thames Valley probation publishes his own reports (
Thames valley (trust) also put a lot of effort in branding (company logo, colors..) 


Thames Valley Probation operates a range of successful activities aimed at tackling the root causes of offending. These include:

Offending behaviour programmes
Alcohol treatment
Drug rehabilitation
Specified Activity Requirements (Back on Track..?)
Employment, training and education

90% of budget goes on staff

there is app. 40-50 staff members/day in Macmillan hause
there is app. 40-50 offenders

Activities: appointments, consulting, interviews - workshops (anger control, domestic violence, thinking skills), reporting service
Potential users 
of reception area: groups wating for workshops, lectures, first time offenders, individuals waiting for the interviews.. 
various ages, mostly local people 

offenders often have poor literacy skills, they are often in bad health condition, have no social benefits, no GP..
Approximately 70% of men in custody have mental health issues. 90% for women. Would a design
that incorporated flashing lights etc have a negative impact on these people?
Sex offenders usually tend to be over 25 (separated into 2 groups, 25 under and over) 
problems with mixing various groups (sex offenders and young offenders for example) 

Group activities tend to be in the evening. Meetings take place from everyday (ex. high risk) to once a week, to once a month.

open hours: mon-fri 7.30am-10.00pm

HOW to change negative mindset? 
CELEBRATE success? (people getting jobs, successful projects..)
staff is conservative? 
Problem of STIGMATIZATION + check labeling theory and Folk Devils and Moral Panics by Stan Cohen

Possibly look into concept of restorative justice (New Zealand has piloted this).victim offender confrontation (short movie: The Woolf Within)
Thames Valley has piloted a direct reparation system where offenders meet their victims (if victims agree) and apologize, instead indirect reparation e.g. clean graffiti off walls for a robbery or something.

- main DESIGN issues

Public recognition and appreciation (branding, celebrating success..) VS discretion (to protect the offenders and prevent public stigmatization)

strict, effective, bureaucratic,  straight forward organization VS freedom, allowing changes, adjustable, individual, inspiring

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